Can I delete or modify a prepaid invoice?

If you have manually added an invoice, you can adjust the details of that invoice after it has been created, such as what licenses/items are included, and the listed amount charged. As a prepaid Invoice, no payment has actually been processed through SOLO Server, it is just assumed that payment was handled through some other means. If the invoice was processed through our integrated eCommerce, you are limited in making adjustments to that invoice.

Editing an Invoice

Go to the Invoice Details page, and click the  dropdown Actions / Edit. At the button, you will see the licenses currently attached to this invoice.

You can Edit a License ID and adjust the Unit Price, and you can also remove the License ID from the Invoice entirely. If you do adjust the pricing of the License IDs, you will also need to adjust the listed Amount Charged for the Invoice, as this amount should balance out with the items listed on the invoice.

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