Protection PLUS 4 Licensing API (KEYLIB/SKCL/SKCLNET) error & return codes

For additional information regarding these Return Codes, or to report the occurrence of a Return Code not included on this list, please contact us and a member of our Technical Support staff will respond to your query as promptly as possible.

Return Code = 0     PP_FALSE

The attempted call to the specified function failed.

Return Code = 1     PP_TRUE or PP_SUCCESS

The attempted call to the specified function was successful.


Invalid parameters have been passed to the function PP_LFCREATE. Please ensure that your program is passing valid parameter values to the function. (NOTE: If you happen to receive this Return Code when attempting to call function PP_LFOPEN, please contact us for further assistance.)


The License File is in a state that cannot be manipulated. Please verify that the user has the appropriate permission to modify this file.

Return Code = 5     ERR_CANNOT_WRITE_FILE

Verify that the directory and License File in question are not denoted as READ-ONLY. Also, verify that the user has the appropriate permission to write the License File into this directory.

Return Code = 6     ERR_CANNOT_CLOSE_FILE

This Return Code can occur for a variety of reasons too numerous to list here; please contact us for further information in regards to troubleshooting this problem.

Return Code = 7     ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE

Verify that the user has the appropriate permissions for the License File and the folder in which it resides.

Return Code = 8     ERR_CANNOT_READ_FILE

The License File could possibly be empty (i.e., a length of 0 bytes). Using LFEdit or the LFRW utility, verify that the License File is complete.

Return Code = 9     ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_FILE

The License File could not be created. The most common reason is due to user’s security restrictions.

Return Code = 10     ERR_CANNOT_DELETE_FILE

The License File could not be deleted. Either the file is currently in use, or the user does not have the appropriate permissions to perform the deletion of the License File.

Return Code = 12     ERR_INVALID_PASSWORD

An internal error has occurred. Please contact us for further assistance.

Return Code = 13      ERR_WRONG_PASSWORD

The password used to attempt to open the License File is not the same password used when creating the License File using LFEdit.


Please verify that the correct syntax of the function is used. This Return Code may be returned if the handle to the License File is NULL or 0.

Return Code = 15     ERR_FILE_MISSING

The License File could not be found. Verify that the License File is in the application folder or that a valid path is specified when opening the file. If this error is returned from PP_COMPNO or PP_COMPNO32DRIVERS, make sure the driver is in the correct location (either the current working directory or the Windows System32 directory).

Return Code = 16     ERR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION

Memory could not be allocated to either read the License File or to create dialog boxes.

Return Code = 17     ERR_MEMORY_FREE

The memory allocated to either the License File or Network Semaphore File handle was not released after the file was closed or created. Please contact us for further assistance.

Return Code = 18     ERR_INVALID_LFHANDLE

The handle passed into the function is not the handle to the master License File.  Make sure the License File was successfully opened. If using the LFile object, make sure the IsLFOpen property is True.

If there is a problem accessing the License File, the handle returned will be 0 and the return value will be the reason why the file was not accessible. Furthermore, if you try to access the License File after closing the handle using PP_LFCLOSE(), you will also receive the same error.

Return Code = 19     ERR_SLOT_NUM_INVALID

The specified slot is not a valid slot. Verify that the specified slot is greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the maximum number of Computer IDs that the License File can hold. This maximum number is currently fixed at 100 slots.

Return Code = 20     ERR_SLOT_EMPTY

The specified slot is empty.

Return Code = 21     ERR_SLOTS_FULL

An attempt has been made to add a Computer ID to a License File that has reached the maximum capacity of Computer IDs (100) in the Authorized Computers list.


An attempt to add a duplicate Computer ID to the License File has been detected, but the processing flag which permits the inclusion of duplicate Computer IDs has not been specified.

Return Code = 23     ERR_NET_LIC_FULL

The Network LAN Count is greater than or equal to the LAN Limit.

Return Code = 24     ERR_COMPNO_NOT_FOUND

The specified Computer ID was not found when using either the PP_COPYDELETE or PP_IMPORTACTFILE functions.

Return Code = 25     ERR_VAR_NO_INVALID

The field number specified during a Get- or Set-type function call is not a valid field in the License File.

Return Code = 26     ERR_SOFT_EXPIRATION

This Return Code is generated by function PP_EXPIRED if the system date is past the Soft Expiration Date as specified in the License File.

Return Code = 27     ERR_EXPTYPE_INVALID

The character in the License File for Expiration Type is not valid or is not appropriately related to the function called. (The PP_DAYSLEFT and PP_EXPIRED functions can quite often result in the generation of this Return Code.)

Return Code = 28     ERR_EXP_DATE_EMPTY

The Hard Expiration Date is not set in the License File. Make sure that all the fields in the date are not zero as this field must contain a value.

Return Code = 30     ERR_CURRENT_DATE_OLDER

The current date and time is older than the last used date and time stored in the License File. This error generally occurs when the system clock has been back-dated.

Return Code = 31     ERR_CANNOT_LOCK_FILE

The PP_LFLOCK function cannot lock the License File. This Return Code is usually generated when the user has insufficient permissions.

Return Code = 37     ERR_LF_LOCKED

The License File is already locked.

Return Code = 38     ERR_LF_CHECKSUM_INVALID

The internal checksum for the License File could not be verified. This may indicate the License File has been subjected to tampering or is otherwise corrupt.

Return Code = 41     ERR_FILE_EXISTS

An attempt has been made to use function PP_LFCREATE, but the License File already exists.

Return Code = 42     ERR_REGISTRY_OPEN

There are insufficient user permissions to the registry. Make sure that the program is first executed by the Administrator so that the "aliases" in the registry get properly created as described in the Using Protection PLUS on Windows Vista and Windows 7 whitepaper.

Return Code = 43     ERR_REGISTRY_QUERY

There are insufficient user permissions to the registry. Make sure that the program is first executed by the Administrator so that the "aliases" in the registry get properly created. In Windows Vista, Windows 7 or later, try right-clicking on the application or shortcut and clicking "Run as administrator."

Return Code = 44     ERR_REGISTRY_CLOSE

There are insufficient user permissions to the registry. Make sure that the program is first executed by the Administrator so that the "aliases" in the registry get properly created. In Windows Vista, Windows 7 or later, try right-clicking on the application or shortcut and clicking "Run as administrator."

Return Code = 45     ERR_REGISTRY_READ

There are insufficient user permissions to the registry. Make sure that the program is first executed by the Administrator so that the "aliases" in the registry get properly created. In Windows Vista, Windows 7 or later, try right-clicking on the application or shortcut and clicking "Run as administrator."

Return Code = 46     ERR_REGISTRY_SET

There are insufficient user permissions to the registry. Make sure that the program is first executed by the Administrator so that the "aliases" in the registry get properly created. In Windows Vista, Windows 7 or later, try right-clicking on the application or shortcut and clicking "Run as administrator."

Return Code = 56     ERR_VAR_NOT_AVAILABLE

The parameter supplied to a called function is not in the expected format. This is most commonly caused by attempting to use a slot that does not exist when calling any of the PP_GETVAR* and PP_SETVAR* functions.


This Return Code is generated when the response back from SOLO Server could not be correctly parsed. This is normally caused by the transmission of invalid data.


The supplied Activation Code was not correct.  This can be caused by a user incorrectly keying the Activation Code, or it may be caused by attempting to activate with the wrong Trigger Code Seed value.


When using EZTrigger, the RegKey2 value has been decrypted and determined to be invalid. Verify that the seed values match for RegKey2.

Return Code = 71     ERR_ACCESS_DENIED

When trying to install MACHNM32.SYS onto a computer, the user installing it must be the Administrator or in the Administrative Group of the local machine.

Return Code = 72     ERR_NON_WIN32_OS

To successfully call the specified function, the operating system must be Windows NT or later.

Return Code = 73     ERR_DRIVER_CORRUPT

The installation or uninstallation of MACHNM32.SYS was unexpectedly interrupted. Please contact us for assistance.

Return Code = 74     ERR_MARKED_FOR_DELETE

The driver MACHNM32.SYS has been uninstalled or marked for deletion. Typically, this Return Code only occurs when you have attempted to install and uninstall MACHNM32.SYS multiple times. In most cases, restarting the program will clear the flag; but, on some occasions, the computer must be rebooted to completely eliminate this condition.

Return Code = 75     ERR_INVALID_NETHANDLE

The handle passed into the Network Broadcast functions (i.e., PP_NETTEST and PP_NETCLOSE) is invalid.

Return Code = 77     ERR_ALREADY_OPEN

The Network Broadcast socket connection is already open.

Return Code = 79     ERR_NON_WIN64_OS

Use of the specified function requires 64-bit Windows (i.e., Windows XP Pro x64 Edition and later).

Return Code = 80     ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_OS   

Use of the specified function requires Windows 2000 or later.

Return Code = 81     ERR_COULD_NOT_LOAD_DLL

The call to LoadLibrary failed. The most common cause of this error is a missing dependent DLL.


The call to GetProcAddress (a function which retrieves the address of an exported function or variable from the specified DLL) failed. The return value is NULL. To obtain extended error information, issue a call to the GetLastError function, which retrieves the calling thread’s last-error code value.

Return Code = 83     ERR_NO_DRIVES_FOUND

The specified function failed to locate any hard disk drives.

Return Code = 85     ERR_BIND_FAILED

An attempt to late-bind to a dependent library failed.


Function failed to create thread.


An attempt to connect to the specified network failed.


Either driver MACHNM32.SYS or MACHNM64.SYS failed to properly install.


This Return Code was generated by a failed call to function PP_NETTEST. Please contact us for further information in regards to troubleshooting this problem.

Return Code = 90     ERR_NET_MULTI_STARTUP

There number of Network Broadcast requests exceeds the number of network seats available.

Return Code = 91     ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL

The output buffer is of insufficient size.


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