Return Codes -1 and -2 when using the Instant Protection PLUS 3 API
Details on all the Instant Protection PLUS 3 API errors can be found in the API Error Codes topic of the manual.
Listed below are the most common return codes:
Return Code -1
A return value of -1 means the Instant Protection PLUS 3 API is not available. Check the following:
- Make sure you selected to use the API in the wizard. The checkbox can be found on the:
- Wrapper Settings page when wrapping
- File Output page when using the Instant Protection PLUS 3 DLL
- Make sure you are not attempting to call an API function after calling WR_Close.
- This error can also be returned when using the API through the Instant Protection PLUS 3 DLL when the DLL has been unloaded and re-loaded since initializing the API. Some bindings will do this, and may mean you need to manually call LoadLibrary and FreeLibrary to prevent such an issue.
Return Code -2
A return value of -2 is only relevant when using the API with the wrapper and is the standard return value when the application is not yet wrapped.