Evaluating Instant Protection PLUS 3

Instant Protection PLUS 3 Demo Application

To quickly evaluate the Instant Protection PLUS 3 technology without installing the product, you can download our small stand-alone Demo Application which is protected by Instant Protection PLUS 3 and demonstrates many of the main product features.  The Demo Application allows you to quickly and easily determine if the features of Instant Protection PLUS 3 fit your needs.

To quickly "kick the tires" of our solution using the Demo Application:

Download the Demo Application (3.7MB)
Follow one of the many tutorials or watch the video about the Demo Application.

Instant Protection PLUS 3 Free Trial

If you would like to install the evaluation of Instant Protection PLUS 3, the Demo Application is included there as well. If you are happy with the features, you can use the Instant Protection PLUS 3 wizard to apply the same functionality to your own application(s).

Request and download the free trial of Instant Protection PLUS 3.

After you complete your trial account signup by email, you can access the Instant Protection PLUS 3 download through the "Download Client Software" tab:

Instant Protection PLUS 3 Wrapper Interface

Instant Protection PLUS 3 can wrap (.EXE) files, dynamic link libraries (.DLL), and other Win32 binary files like .OCX, .SCR files. This excludes .NET binaries, as well as any native x64 binaries. If your program fits the Win32 PE criteria, the wrapping option is ideal as it does not require any change to your application's source code

To get started with the Instant Protection PLUS 3 Wizard:

Follow this simple step-by-step tutorial to wrap and activate an application. 
Review the separate deployment topic-specific for the DLL interface.

Instant Protection PLUS 3 DLL Interface

If your application cannot be wrapped by Instant Protection PLUS 3, all of the standard Instant Protection PLUS 3 licensing functionality can also be called from a DLL file by making a one-time small change to your application's source code.  This can be used for .NET and native EXEs and DLLs, both 32-bit and 64-bit.  

To get started with the Instant Protection PLUS 3 DLL:

Review the Instant Protection PLUS 3 DLL Overview topic in the manual.
Follow one of the many tutorials in popular programming languages.
Review the separate deployment topic-specific for the DLL interface.
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