3 steps to validate licenses, protect your profits, and keep customers happy

Every software publisher who implements a licensing system wants to maintain some level of control over customers' use of their products.


Our latest blog post shares information with you that is crucial to your success. In it, we -

  1. Remind you of the one thing you must do to protect yourself when licensing software.
  2. Explain how different software environments pose unique challenges for software validation logic.
  3. Propose a three step escalation policy for license validation to keep your customer's license updated, your customer informed, and your software protected.
  4. Show how over-validating licenses can have an adverse effect on all of your customers.

Don't miss this important post to learn best practices for licensing validation, and how to keep your customers – and your bank account – happy.

Use these 3 steps to validate licenses, protect your profits, and keep customers happy

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