When licensing software, should I require customers to activate my software trial/demo/evaluation?
Do you plan to offer a free trial or evaluation version of your software?
Software authors often ask, "Since I require my customers to fully activate retail versions of my software, why shouldn't I impose the same standard for prospects who want trial versions?"
Great question!
We wrote a blog post that outlines some considerations when weighing whether or not to require your prospects to activate your evaluation software. We look at questions like:
- What are some general points to consider when creating an evaluation version?
- Will evaluations that require activation deter people from using your software?
- Is it really more secure to require evaluations that are activated?
- How much control do you want to exert over who evaluates your software?
- How does managing evaluation licenses affect my business processes and staff?
- What additional costs may be involved in requiring customers to activate evaluations?
- How easily can evaluation periods be reset both when activation is required and not?