Question 4: Do you want help with licensing?

SoftwareKey has been around for over 25 years, and we are famous for our customer service and support, as echoed in our testimonials and success stories. We understand that different customers have different needs and budgets. That’s why we offer several options for gaining access to the experts at SoftwareKey:

  1. Do it yourself (DIY) - online support included with most purchases for simple questions.
  2. Do it with you - customized "jump start" packages to help with designing a solution using standard SoftwareKey System products and services.
  3. Do it for you - our team manages the entire project and/or provides highly-customized solutions to solve the most demanding business requirements.

Are you missing the important project management or architect roles on your team? Professional services from Team SoftwareKey can help you!

Consider What You Don't Know

When it comes to software licensing, as with so many things in this world, often you don’t know what you don’t know. The correct implementation of licensing is essential to the smooth operation of your software product. By opting for the most professional and secure implementation and design, you can be confident that your investment will lead to profits.

Do It Yourself Approach Works Well With Simple Licensing

Most customers who have simple licensing requirements, and those who have senior-level staff with licensing experience can implement the SoftwareKey System inside of their software products using our Do It Yourself approach. You can still contact us if you get stuck and we’re happy to answer simple questions under our included Standard Support.

Pros and Cons of the Do It Yourself Approach

There are some Pros to the Do It Yourself approach:
  1. The implementation cost will be lower if your staff takes responsibility for all learning and research necessary for your implementation.
  2. The investment by your staff will likely lead to increased understanding and knowledge about licensing and can benefit you in the long term, since your license implementation will likely be adapted over time.

But keep in mind that there can be risks if you choose the Do It Yourself approach, especially if your staff is new to software licensing technology:

  1. Trying to bring together multiple different licensing models in the same application can create inter-dependencies that are easy to miss or not realize until it is too late. What may seem simple can become complex very quickly.
  2. Responses to questions posted to our Standard Support staff will come from one of the many skilled people on our team. However, on this level you do not benefit from a licensing success coach who understands your licensing goals in detail. And unfortunately, answering questions in piecemeal bites without understanding your overall goals is possibly going to result in extra time being spent by all parties involved.
  3. You don't want to be surprised if a flaw in your implementation is discovered after the software is released. Patching security or implementation flaws on released software can sometimes involve significant time and money, and may even generate customer dissatisfaction.
  4. Finally, even during normal operations, licensing flaws can sometimes open up exploitable holes that could allow customers or hackers to steal your software more easily.

We invite you to reach out to us to inquire about our SoftwareKey Professional Services!

Question 5: Would a full license implementation assessment be beneficial?

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